Spirituality and Emotional Intelligence in university students of the city of Ayacucho
This research aims to find the existing correlation between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Spirituality in university students of the city of Ayacucho. We opted for a quantitative method, of correlational type transactional design. To this end, we had a sample of 195 university students from two private Ayacucho universities, of which 41% are male and 59% are female, with an age range between 18 and 38 years (M = 20.43). The Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 Questionnaire and the Spirituality Questionnaire; both adapted to the Peruvian population. We analyzed the correlations of the dimensions of both; obtaining positive correlations between all dimensions of IE with the dimensions of Spirituality; so it is concluded that both constructs are correlated. Likewise, the analyzes carried out show that there are significant differences in the explicit assessment of spirituality according to sex; specifically women score more in this regard. It can also be highlighted that the self-awareness dimension of the Spirituality questionnaire presents the strongest correlations with the Emotional Intelligence dimensions.
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