Reduction of craving in an adolescent in residential treatment for addictions through a brief intervention: A case study
Introduction: Craving refers to a subjective desire to consume substances. It has been found that craving is one of the best predictors of relapse, so it is important to address it during addiction treatment. The Brief Intervention Program for Adolescents (PIBA) has been shown to be effective in reducing drug consumption patterns, increasing self-efficacy to deal with consumption situations, and reducing problems associated with consumption in adolescents who are in middle or high school schools, as well as in outpatient addiction care institutions. However, the effectiveness of this program has not been tested with adolescents in residential treatment or in reducing craving. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of PIBA in reducing craving and increasing self-efficacy in a female adolescent who was in a residential center. Method: A single-case design was applied, consisting of the treatment and a follow-up at four months, intentional and non-probabilistic, with a 16-year-old female adolescent. Result: A reduction in craving was found throughout the treatment and maintained during the follow-up, as well as an increase in self-efficacy. Conclusion: These findings extend the effectiveness of PIBA to addiction components and populations not previously explored, suggesting that PIBA may be an alternative to work with these components and populations.
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