Alcohol consumption and
depressive symptoms as predictive factors of risk behaviors in urban transport
Consumo de alcohol y síntomas depresivos como factores predictores de
conductas de riesgo en conductores de transporte urbano
Maribel Lizbeth Yana-Yana 1*,
Nicol Yaquelin Cruz Vargas 1 , Kristel Raquel Hilasaca-Mamani 1 , Julio Cjuno 2 ,
Lucy Puño -Quispe 1
1 Escuela
Profesional de Psicología, Universidad Peruana Unión, Juliaca, Peru.
2 Unidad
de Posgrado de Psicología, Universidad Peruana Unión, Juliaca, Peru.
Received: October 27, 2024 |
Revised: November 30, 2024 | Accepted: December 20,
2024 | Published Online: December 31, 2024
M., Cruz Vargas, N., Hilasaca-Mamani, K., Cjuno, J., Puño
-Quispe, L. (2024). Alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms as
predictive factors of risk behaviors in urban transport drivers. Interacciones, 10, e436.
Background: In Peru, there are alarming statistics regarding
traffic accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol and
emotional problems. Objective: This study aimed to identify whether alcohol
consumption and depressive symptoms are predictors of the perception of risky
behaviors in drivers. Method: The methodology followed a quantitative approach with
a predictive scope, non-experimental design, and cross-sectional study. A
non-probabilistic sample of 310 drivers aged 18 to 54 years was used, of whom
95% were male. The study utilized the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
(AUDIT), the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and the Aversion to Risk
Taking Scale to assess the participants. Results: Four out of 10 drivers exhibited depressive symptoms, and 7 out of 10
presented alcohol consumption issues. Regarding linear regression, an increase
in alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms predicted 48.3% of the variance
in the perception of risky driving behaviors. Conclusion: It is concluded that increased depressive symptoms and
alcohol consumption are predictors of a decreased perception of risky driving
behaviors. Future studies could implement interventions aimed at reducing risky
behaviors by addressing depression and alcohol dependency in drivers.
Keywords: depressive symptoms;
alcohol consumption; risk behavior; transportation; drivers.
Introducción: En el Perú existen cifras alarmantes de accidentes de tránsito provocados
por conductores en estado de ebriedad y problemas emocionales. Objetivo: Este
estudio se propuso identificar si el consumo de alcohol y los síntomas de
depresión son factores predictores de la percepción de conductas riesgosas en
conductores. Método: La metodología corresponde a un enfoque
cuantitativo, alcance predictivo, diseño no experimental y corte transversal;
se realizó en una muestra no probabilística de 310 conductores entre 18 y 54
años, donde el 95% fueron varones. Se evaluó con el Cuestionario Identificación
de Trastornos Relacionados con el Uso del Alcohol, Cuestionario de Salud del
Paciente-9 y el Cuestionario Aversion to Risk Taking
Scale. Resultados: Encontramos que 4 de cada
10 conductores presentaron síntomas depresivos y 7 de cada 10 problemas de
consumo de alcohol. Referente a la regresión lineal el incremento de consumo de
alcohol y los síntomas de depresión predicen un 48.3% de la varianza de la
percepción de conductas riesgosas al conducir. Conclusión: El incremento de los síntomas
de depresión y consumo de alcohol son predictores de la disminución de la
percepción de las conductas de riesgo al conducir. Estudios posteriores podrían
implementar intervenciones para disminuir conductas riesgosas a partir del
tratamiento de la depresión y dependencia al consumo de alcohol en conductores
de autos.
Palabras claves: síntomas
depresivos; consumo de alcohol; conducta de riesgo; transporte; conductores.
World reports
indicate that annually, 1.19 million people die in traffic accidents, and one
person is killed every two minutes (United Nations, 2022). Therefore, traffic
accidents have been considered a public health problem (Pan American Health
Organization, 2023). Aspects that increase the risk of having traffic accidents
are alcohol consumption and psychological factors, such as depression or
aggressiveness (Borja et al., 2023). In Peru, there is a constant increase in
traffic accidents; in 2022, more than 100,000 accidents were reported (Superintendencia de Transporte Terrestre de Personas Carga
y Mercancías, 2024), and more than 13% of these
accidents are due to driver recklessness (Observatorio
Nacional de Seguridad Vial, 2024); in 2024, in the
first four months in Lima, 140 cases of traffic accidents were reported due to
driver recklessness, mainly due to drunkenness (Rojas, 2024). Likewise, the
regions with the most traffic accidents were La Libertad with 53 accidents, and
Puno with 26 accidents (Observatorio Nacional de Seguridad Vial, 2024). In the department of Puno, a daily
increase in traffic accidents has been reported, with 120 accidents reported,
77 injured, and 29 deaths, making it the region with the second highest number
of deaths due to drunk driving (Defensoría de accidentes de tránsito, 2023).
On the other
hand, in the Peruvian context, 20% of the adult population suffers from a
mental disorder; among the most common are depression and alcohol dependence
(Ombudsman's Office, 2022). These actions endanger public transportation. Since
its influence on mental health can impact driving ability (Valdés, 2021). In a
recent ranking of countries that drink the most alcohol in Latin America, Peru
is in third place, after Argentina and Brazil (El Comercio, 2024). Also, a 2022
report indicated that approximately 70% of adults in Peru consume alcohol
moderately or heavily in urban areas of Peru, with males (68.8%) being the
highest consumers (Instituto Nacional de Estadística
e Informática, 2022). The consumption of alcoholic
beverages, even in minimal amounts, increases the probability of being involved
in road incidents, as it affects the perceptual capacity to drive safely, such
as visual acuity, reaction times, and the ability to make informed decisions
(PAHO, 2021). Alcohol is a psycho-depressant because even in small doses,
it “suppresses” the central nervous system, alters consciousness, and slows
cognitive and physiological abilities such as breathing or heart rate; it can
also cause traffic accidents or even death (Ahumada-Cortéz, 2017). In addition,
excessive alcohol consumption can act as a trigger or aggravating element of
depression and generate risk behaviors (García-Perales et al., 2023).
Likewise, the
problem of depression is a global challenge since at least 5% suffer from this
disorder, and symptoms such as poor concentration, thoughts of death or
suicide, and hopelessness about the future could have fatal consequences in
those who suffer from it (World Health Organization [WHO], 2033), in the
Peruvian context, 280 917 cases of depression were treated in 2023 (Ministry of
Health, 2024). Among the risk factors for depression were marital status,
gender, living in the highlands or jungle, and consuming alcoholic beverages (Zeñas-Trujillo & Vera-Ponce, 2024). Therefore, when a
driver has depressive symptoms, it can cause excessive alcohol consumption,
affecting their thinking behavior and causing many times road incidents due to
speed and distraction of the driver of vehicles (Comisión Nacional de Seguridad de Tránsito [CONASET],
2018). Likewise, when more alcohol is consumed, visual impairment is noticed,
especially in the form of double vision; consequently, it impairs drivers,
causing accidents on public roads causing injuries or even fatalities
(Alessandrini, 2022).
Risky driving
behaviors are voluntary or involuntary actions that can lead to fatal
consequences (Corona & Peralta, 2011). Some risky behaviors reported by 36%
of drivers are running red lights, and approximately 3 out of 10 drivers admit
to drinking alcohol while driving (García-Domingo, et al., 2020); others
reported speeding (Machin & Sankey, 2006). Such is the case of some
studies, such as the one conducted in Bogotá, Colombia, in urban public
transport drivers with 165 drivers, in which they stated that there is a
significant relationship between the use of alcohol and tobacco in risky
behaviors (Calvache-Dorado et al., 2022), in Mexico a study was conducted in
drivers of heavy cargo transport, where a statistically significant correlation
was observed between fatigue and alcohol consumption among drivers
(García-Perales et al., 2023). Likewise, in Medellín, drivers who operate
public transport vehicles in urban environments consume alcohol in most cases,
with the possibility of risky and harmful consumption and causing accidents on
public roads (Molina, et al., 2011). On the other hand, in Chile, drivers who
drive public transport indicate that alcohol consumption was aimed at reducing
stress caused by work worries, which cause accidents (Arias-Meléndez et al.,
2022). Likewise, in Chile, it has been observed that cargo and urban transport
drivers have a significant relationship with alcohol consumption and road
incidents due to the various activities of the companies they perform as part
of their social life, which cause accidents at work (Silva et al., 2014).
Also, a study
conducted with automobile drivers (e.g., 431 Peruvians and 501 Dominicans)
found that alcohol use significantly increased drivers' risk of traffic
accidents (Cherpitel et al., 2021). Similarly, a
study conducted in Lima found a relationship between personality trait
extraversion and burnout syndrome in public transport drivers; the personal
accomplishment dimension showed associations with the number of children, monthly
salary income, and alcohol consumption. In addition, a prominent correlation
was found with the level of secondary education (58%) and with a job tenure of
10 years or more with 46% (Santa et al., 2019). This study seeks to identify
the elements related to alcohol consumption and symptoms of depression as risk
behaviors to develop tactics to prevent and promote mental health and
methodologically valuable for this specific context, as it allows to expand the
data and compare them with other similar studies about road safety and traffic
psychology. Therefore, the study aimed to determine whether alcohol consumption
and symptoms of depression are predictors of the perception of risky behaviors
in urban transport drivers in Juliaca, Peru.
Design and
The study is a
cross-sectional study (Ato et al., 2013) developed in drivers of urban service
cars in the city of Juliaca, department of Puno,
A sample of n=
310 participants participated using non-probabilistic convenience sampling
since the selection of participants was by convenience considering some
inclusion criteria, such as being driving an urban transport car during the
application of the survey, being over 18 years of age, being male or female,
Peruvian nationality, and giving informed consent. On the other hand, we
excluded those who accompanied the driver as a collector or support, those who
partially answered the survey, and those who presented some permanent or
temporary condition that prevented them from answering the questions
The variables
used were alcohol consumption (AUDIT) symptoms of depression (PHQ-9) as
predictors of the perception of risky behaviors (ARTS) in urban transport
drivers in the city of Juliaca.
Alcohol Use
Disorders Identification Questionnaire (AUDIT): It was developed by the World
Health Organization (WHO) to be used as a screening tool for alcohol
consumption, the effects that are present are: Aggressiveness, irrational
behavior, arguments, depression, social and occupational problems (Babor et al.. 2001), The questionnaire consists of 3 dimensions
(risk consumption, symptoms of dependence and harmful alcohol consumption), 10
items, which was validated in Peru by Anel Cecilia Colán
Herrera and Fernando Joel Rosario Quiroz in the year 2022, evaluated through a
Likert scale from 0 to 4, and validated by expert judges, obtaining an Aiken V
of 0. 80, the reliability analysis in the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) is 0.99
and the Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) is 0.98, the approximation error (RMSEA) is
0.06, the standardized root mean square residual
(SRMR) is 0. 03, NFI: 0.99, adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) is 0.98,
Cronbach's Alpha internal consistency is 0.86 and McDonald's ω: 0.875 (Colán & Rosario, 2022).
La Patient
Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9): This depression assessment scale is based on
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria based on occurrences in the last two weeks. It
originally had a unidimensional structure and consisted of 9 items with
Likert-type response options where Not at all = 0 and almost every day = 3;
from the responses, a score between 0 and 27 points can be obtained. The
Peruvian version (Villarreal-Zegarra et al., 2023) presented a cut-off point
for presence of depressive symptoms ≥ 7 points, also presented strong evidence
of structural validity (χ2=251.9; df=27; CFI=0.974;
TLI=0.965; SRMR=0.051; RMSEA= 0.079) as well as optimal reliability (α=0.89;
Cuestionario Aversión to Risk Taking
Scale (ARTS): Originally developed in Australia and the United Kingdom by Dorn
and Machin in 2004, it was initially constructed with eight items to measure
the perception of risky behaviors such as being overconfident and not
respecting traffic regulations, running red lights, driving while talking on
the cell phone, among others. Subsequently, an adaptation was developed in
Argentina, characterized by being unidimensional and with categorical
Likert-type responses from 1 to 5, in Argentine drivers has shown adequate
adjustments (CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.065, WRMR = 0.64) as well as
strong evidence of reliability through ordinal alpha = 0.77 (Trógolo et al., 2019). Therefore, the instrument was
validated by five judges among police officers and expert psychologists to
apply the instrument to the Peruvian context, resulting as valid, in terms of
reliability, it has presented adequate levels since Cronbach's coefficient is
(α = 0.70) placing it as very reliable.
With prior
authorization from the respective authorities of the transportation companies
in Juliaca, Puno, Peru. Two surveyors applied the
survey to the drivers at these companies' bus stops or terminals. The survey
was presented virtually using a printed form. The survey initially provided
informed consent; only those who agreed to participate voluntarily could answer
the questions. The questionnaires were administered at available times, in a
personal manner, explaining the purpose of the research. In addition, anonymity
and confidentiality of the responses were guaranteed, respecting ethical
principles and using personal data exclusively for research purposes. The
survey was applied between June and July 2024.
Data Analysis
The data were
analyzed statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS
version 26. Initially, descriptive analyses were performed for numerical
variables, using measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness, and
kurtosis (g1 and g2 < ± 1.5), while for categorical variables, absolute and
relative frequencies were used.
Next, simple
and multiple linear regression analyses were performed considering the normal
distribution of the data, for which we considered risk perception while driving
as the dependent variable. Standardized beta values and their respective 95%
confidence intervals were estimated.
Our study was
approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Committee of the Universidad
Peruana Unión with Report No 2024-CEB-FCS-Upeu-069. Likewise, it respected all
the principles of research on human beings of the Declaration of Helsinki, such
as the use of informed consent, confidential and anonymous handling of data,
and respect for the dignity of the participants.
reported an average age of 37 years (37.21 ± 10.233), an average of one child
(1.70 ± 1.736), and an average of six years of driving experience (6.79 ±
4.387). Most 293 (94.5%) were male, 135 (43.6%) were cohabitants, 184 (59.4%)
lived in urban areas, and 199 (64.2%) of the participants had high school
(Table 1). We also found that 219 (70.6%) presented symptoms of alcohol use
disorder, 145 (46.8%) depressive symptoms, and 166 (53.5%) presented high
levels of risk perception when driving.
Table 1. Bio-socio-demographic
characteristics of participants.
M |
SD |
Age |
37.21 |
10.233 |
Number of children |
1.7 |
1.736 |
Years of
experience as a driver |
6.79 |
4.387 |
N |
% |
Sex |
Male |
293 |
94.5 |
Female |
17 |
5.5 |
Education level |
Primary |
7 |
2.2 |
Secondary |
199 |
64.2 |
High School |
104 |
33.6 |
Civil Status |
Single |
94 |
30.3 |
Cohabitant |
135 |
43.6 |
Married |
59 |
19 |
Divorced |
15 |
4.8 |
Widowed |
7 |
2.3 |
Place of residence |
Urban |
184 |
59.4 |
Rural |
126 |
40.6 |
consumption |
No symptoms |
91 |
29.4 |
symptoms |
219 |
70.6 |
symptoms |
No symptoms |
165 |
53.2 |
symptoms |
145 |
46.8 |
of risk when driving |
Low and
moderate risk |
144 |
46.5 |
High risk |
166 |
53.5 |
Note. M:
Mean. SD: Standard Deviation.
Likewise, it
is observed that all the study variables present a normal distribution (g1 <
± 1.5). While alcohol consumption and its dimensions reported a minimum mean of
(1.703 ± 1.098) in the risk consumption dimension and a maximum (7.445 ± 4.346)
in the overall score, depressive symptoms presented an average score 8 (8.471 ±
6.481) which is above the cut-off point for presence of depressive symptoms
(PHQ-9 > 7) and an average of 29 points close to a perception of high risk
when driving (29.374 ± 6.420) (Table 2).
Table 2. Descriptive
analysis of variables
M |
SD |
g1 |
g2 |
consumption |
1.703 |
1.098 |
0.374 |
0.611 |
Symptoms of
dependence |
1.803 |
1.33 |
0.648 |
1.457 |
alcohol consumption |
3.939 |
2.811 |
0.192 |
-0.843 |
alcohol consumption |
7.445 |
4.346 |
-0.021 |
-0.52 |
symptoms |
8.471 |
6.481 |
0.384 |
-1.304 |
of risk when driving |
29.374 |
6.42 |
-0.159 |
-1.041 |
Note: M=Mean,
SD= Standard deviation, g1=asymmetry, g2=kurtosis.
At the
predictive level, we found that a one-unit increase in the dependence symptoms
dimension decreases 1.44 units in the perception of risk when driving (β=
-1.445; 95% CI = -1.961 to -0.928; p = 0.000), but in the adjusted model it was
no longer significant (p = 0.114). On the other hand, in an adjusted model, a
one-unit increase in depressive symptoms will decrease the perception of risk
when driving by 0.66 units (β= -0.662; 95%CI = -0.750 to -0.575; p= 0.000). At
the multiple linear regression level, the independent variables predicted 48.3%
of the explained variance of risk perception while driving (R2=
0.483; p= 0.000) (Table 3).
Table 3. Simple and
multiple linear regression for risk perception while driving
Raw model |
Fitted model |
coefficient |
IC 95% |
p |
coefficient |
IC 95% |
p |
symptoms |
-0.688 |
[-0.768 :
-0.608] |
0.000 |
-0.662 |
[-0.750 :
-0.575] |
0.000 |
alcohol consumption |
-0.159 |
[-0.324 :
0.005] |
0.058 |
- |
- |
- |
drinking |
-0.324 |
[-0.978 :
0.331] |
0.331 |
- |
- |
- |
Symptoms of
dependence |
-1.445 |
[-1.961 :
-0.928] |
0.000 |
-0.402 |
[-0.902 :
0.097] |
0.114 |
alcohol consumption |
-0.008 |
[-0.264 :
0.248] |
0.950 |
- |
- |
- |
Note: 95% CI:
95% confidence interval, dependent variable: risk perception when driving.
The general
objective of this research was to determine whether alcohol consumption and
depressive symptoms are predictors of the perception of risky behaviors, which
resulted in alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms predicting 48.3% of the
explained variance of the perception of risky behaviors. In this regard,
similar results were found in which it was affirmed that alcohol consumption
and depressive symptoms act as risk factors that lead to traffic accidents due
to non-compliance with road safety regulations (Arias-Meléndez et al., 2021).
Likewise, in Ecuador, a study on drivers shows that alcohol consumption
psychological problems such as depression are factors that lead to
inappropriate behaviors ending in traffic accidents because this combination of
disorders prevents drivers from becoming aware of the risks to which they are
exposed (Amancha, 2015). Another study found that
drivers with emotional problems such as depression are less aware of the risks
that may occur, such as exceeding the speed limit (Ponce, 2015).
On the other
hand, it has been found that an increase in alcohol dependence symptoms
decreases the perception of risk when driving by up to 1.44 units.
Although this result loses statistical significance in an adjusted model, it
presents an approximation to the problem of driving cars when there are
symptoms of alcohol dependence, which is related to the predisposition to poor
mental health and increased depressive symptoms (Jacob et al., 2021).
Problematic alcohol consumption can produce alterations in people's behavior,
interfering with daily activities such as work because they have difficulty
concentrating (Tembo et al., 2017) and within this is the perception of risk
since they affect risky behaviors such as speeding by driving with high levels
of alcohol in the blood (Tirado, 2019). Those risky behaviors undoubtedly
contribute to the rate of deaths due to traffic accidents that can be avoided
with timely psychological attention to drivers, which at the
moment is null in the Peruvian context.
Likewise, we
found that 70.6% (7 out of 10) of the drivers in the city of Juliaca presented symptoms of alcohol use disorder. Our
result seems to be at least 3 times higher than results from other countries,
such as in Colombia, Bogota where out of 165 drivers (27.3%), the incidence of
alcohol consumption (Calvache-Dorado et al., 2022) and therefore drivers who
consume alcohol cause affectation to their cognitive and psychophysical
functions, thus, limiting the perception of risk when driving causing traffic
accidents (Teófila Vicente Herrero et al., 2014); Alcohol causes physical,
mental and social damage which predisposes to interpersonal conflicts, family
and work accidents (port), in addition, in Peru 0.25 milligrams of alcohol per
liter of blood is tolerated in urban transport drivers. However, research
indicates that with a minimum of 0.1, drivers already have psychomotor
alterations such as visual impairment, low reflexes, and difficulty moving
around (Ministry of Health, 2011). Likewise, a study conducted on the
geographical altitude of Peru (≤ 2,500 masl) and high
altitude (> 2,500 masl) and alcohol dependence
shows that 334 (45%) of the study population lived at low altitude of which 113
(15%) had alcohol dependence (Quiñones-Laveriano et al., 2016). This finding
shows the need to regulate psychological intervention programs to reduce the
consumption of alcoholic beverages by drivers working in cities with
considerable altitude, such as those in the city of Juliaca,
which could reduce the accident and death rate in the transportation sector,
which is a constant.
On the other
hand, we found that 46.8% (4 out of 10) of the drivers in the city of Juliaca presented depressive symptoms. It is known that
those who suffer from depressive symptoms experience sadness, irritability,
loss of interest in activities, sleep disturbances, and lack of energy that
cause problems in family and work (World Health Organization, 2023). This
finding shows a need for mental health care for car drivers in the Peruvian
context, which could reduce traffic accidents.
Likewise, we
found that a one-unit increase in depressive symptoms decreases 0.66 units in
the perception of risk when driving. This finding is like that found in an
investigation in Australia, where a sample of 60 drivers was used. Our results
reveal a significant relationship between risk behaviors and depression that
were linked to traffic accidents (Chalmers et al., 2021). Likewise, in El
Salvador, an investigation of psychosocial risk variables in drivers was
conducted, where depression is highlighted as a risk factor that affects
traffic accidents. It should be noted that psychosocial occupational risk
factors can impact physical and mental health (Gutiérrez Quintanilla &
Lobos Rivera, 2017). Undoubtedly, addressing depression problems in drivers
could be an efficient mechanism to reduce traffic accidents.
Public health
Our findings
can be scientific support for government authorities such as the Minister of
Transportation of Telecommunications and the Minister of Health to promote
policies to promote mental health by assessing the symptoms of depression and
alcohol dependence in drivers to reduce the risk and avoid traffic fatalities
and heavy economic losses due to these risky behaviors.
and strengths
It is
necessary to state some limitations and strengths of this study. The strength
of the present study is that it is the first study in high Andean areas about
traffic psychology involving the variables of depressive symptoms and alcohol
consumption as predictors of risky driving behaviors, which have not been
explored so far in all of Peru. Likewise, one limitation of the study was the
sample size, which, being non-probabilistic, limits the generalization of the
results; however, this does not detract from the value of our results, although
subsequent studies could use probabilistic sampling. On the other hand, since
this is a self-reporting study, it is possible that some participants may not
have been honest with their answers; to this end, at the beginning of the
application, all participants were made aware of the need for honesty in
answering the survey; on the other hand, we used instruments with evidence of
structural validity and reliability to measure subjective variables. Also, the
data collection was carried out only on drivers of public service buses and
cabs; the results would be different if motorcycle cab drivers were included.
It is
concluded that 4 out of 10 car drivers in the city of Juliaca
suffer from depressive symptoms, and 7 out of 10 present
alcohol consumption problems. Likewise, the increase in depressive symptoms and
alcohol dependence symptoms decrease the perception of risk when driving.
Further studies could implement interventions to decrease depressive symptoms
and alcohol dependence. Also, decision-makers could implement public policies
to make mental health screening of drivers mandatory to reduce traffic accidents.
Maribel Lizbeth Yana-Yana:
Nicol Yaquelin Cruz Vargas:
Kristel Raquel Hilasaca-Mamani:
Julio Cjuno:
Lucy Puño-Quispe:
Lizbeth Yana-Yana: Conception, design of the study, application of instruments,
statistical analysis, review and drafting of documents.
Yaquelin Cruz Vargas: Conception, design of the study, application of
instruments, review and drafting of documents.
Raquel Hilasaca-Mamani: Advice, critical review of
all components of the study and the article.
Julio Cjuno: Advice, statistical analysis, critical review of all
components of the study and the article.
Lucy Puño-Quispe: Advice, critical review of all components of
the study and the article.
This work has been
The authors declare that
there were no conflicts of interest in the collection of data, analysis of
information, or writing of the manuscript.
Not applicable.
This study has been reviewed by external
peers in double-blind mode. The editor in charge was Anthony Copez-Lonzoy. The review process is included as
supplementary material 1.
The authors attach the database as
supplementary material 2.
We used DeepL to
translate specific sections of the manuscript and Grammarly to improve the
wording of certain sections. The final version of the manuscript was reviewed
and approved by all authors.
The authors are responsible for all statements made in this article.
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